Addiction treatment programs and search engine optimization have little in common. Of do they? Upon closer inspection, there are actually many similarities.
Dreamscape Marketing has worked with some of the most successful drug rehab centers in the country. Based on our knowledge and experience in the drug rehab industry, we’ve discovered some interesting similarities between SEO and addiction treatment that. Skeptical of this claim? In this excerpt from Dreamscape Marketing’s whitepaper “10 Reasons Why SEO is Like an Addiction Treatment Program,” let’s look at one of these similarities:
If It’s Too Good To Be True…
Some patients look for facilities that promise to quickly “cure” them of their addiction. As the professionals at any quality addiction treatment center know, recovery isn’t quick. Additionally, the word “cure” is very inappropriate when discussing addiction recovery. Such promises are highly dubious and the likelihood of successful recovery is probably quite low. You would never make these claims to your patients because you know better due to your professional training and industry experience.
In a similar vein, you should view digital marketing companies making claims that their SEO will bring you fast results with extreme suspicion. Yes, it’s probably too good to be true. Good SEO is a methodical process and it seldom can produce overnight results. It often takes time to analyze your current site to determine what works well and what needs improvement. Deciding what type of quality organic content should be added to your website also takes time. As stated earlier, having the right content is a big part of effective SEO results.
You probably become frustrated when rehab patients expect instant results. You shouldn’t make the same mistake regarding SEO. Don’t be taken in by companies with promises that sound too good to be true. As the saying goes…
There’s one highly effective way to drive leads to your drug rehab center—improving SEO on your website. By downloading Dreamscape Marketing’s Whitepaper entitled “10 Reasons Why SEO is Like an Addiction Treatment Program,” you’ll have some very valuable tips about how to approach your SEO initiatives.