Hospital and Health System Marketing.

Your Hospital's Guide to Marketing.

Keyword research and search engine optimization. Paid advertising campaign management and bid adjustments. Website design and email marketing automation. Training everyone on what the GA4 changes mean for your reporting and finding time to learn about different uses for AI and other emerging marketing technology that won’t break your budget or HIPPA regulations.

When you break out your hospital digital marketing strategy into its component pieces, the checklist of digital initiatives you and your team are responsible for successfully delivering can be daunting. And with more patient journeys than ever before begin with an online search for healthcare services, those digital initiatives increasingly form the first and most impactful impressions your hospital makes on prospective patients.

But you don’t have to go it alone. At Dreamscape Marketing, we understand the unique challenges facing hospital marketing executives. Our team of digital experts provides best-in-class hospital marketing services tailored to support your organization’s strategic business goals.

Whether you’re interested in learning more about the services a hospital marketing agency like Dreamscape delivers for our clients or are looking for tips on optimizing specific aspects of your health system digital marketing, we’re pleased to share with you the following guide to the essential building blocks of a hospital and health system marketing strategy.

Learn more about our hospital digital marketing services by connecting with Dreamscape Marketing today.

Give your hospital the right audience.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

As a hospital executive, you understand that having a trusted online presence is vital for your health system to reach its business goals. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a foundational piece of creating a digital presence that attracts and converts new patients.

Without a strategic hospital SEO plan your online marketing won’t be as effective, and you’ll miss opportunities to connect with prospective patients. But what precisely is SEO, and how does it benefit your health system

SEO is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher on the search engine results page (SERP) for specific search terms, or keywords. Building a website that ranks high for keywords helps you attract more visitors to your site and can ultimately lead to more patients for your hospital.

A well-researched and carefully executed SEO plan is critical to your health system’s digital marketing success. Here are some of the benefits of working with our team to optimize your SEO strategy:

Prospective patient connecting with health system services through hospital SEO optimization

Effective hospital SEO drives more traffic to your website. The more users who visit your website to learn about your services, the more opportunities you have to convert site visitors into patients.

Ranking at the top of the SERP for queries important to your target audience not only increases website traffic but also improves trustworthiness and credibility. Users view higher ranking websites as more credible sources of reliable informaion.

Investing in SEO can help you get ahead of the competition, particularly if they’re not already optimizing their own websites and content for those high-value keywords. The more you outrank them on the SERP, the more likely your target audience will visit your site for information instead of theirs.

SEO yields long-term results, making it a cost-effective digital strategy to increase your website’s visibility, drive online traffic, connect with more prospective patients, and build engagement with your audience.

Good hospital SEO is scalable. Investing in your SEO today positions your organization for sustainable, repeatable long-term growth that maximizes your marketing budget and improves your ROI.

Our hospital digital marketing experts deploy data-backed solutions that deliver high-performing SEO solutions for our healthcare clients. Whether you’re looking for tips on how to tweak your SEO content to match Google’s latest algorithm updates or need help starting an SEO plan for scratch, Dreamscape can help.

Contact us today to schedule a discovery call and learn more about our bespoke SEO solutions and our full suite of hospital digital marketing services.

Hospital Content Marketing.

Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience—and, ultimately, to drive predefined actions like filling out contact forms or calling to schedule an appointment.

For any hospital, content marketing is a must. Today’s healthcare consumers have more options than ever before when selecting the right provider to meet their needs. But this increase in choice is accompanied by an increase in ads and messaging that can overload the healthcare researcher and make it harder to find the information they’re looking for.

To stand out in such an oversaturated market, you need to create meaningful content that resonates with your target audience while staying true to the mission of your hospital and health system.

Hospital content marketing can help you attract new patients, build trust and credibility with potential patients, stay ahead of the competition, save money on marketing costs, and generate more leads to grow your business.

Keyword Research.

Keyword research is a process used to identify the best keywords to target for your health system website. The goal of keyword research is to find keywords that are relevant to your business and have a high search volume but are not too competitive.

Good keyword research is important because it helps you determine which terms to target on your website. If you choose the wrong keywords, you could end up with a website that no one can find. On the other hand, when you choose the right keywords, you will see a significant increase in traffic to your site.


Creating backlinks is an important part of any hospital and health system marketing campaign. Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. The more backlinks you have, the higher your website will rank in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Backlinking is important because it helps you build trust and credibility with potential patients. When other websites link to your site, it shows that they trust you as a source of information. This can go a long way in establishing your credibility and building trust with potential patients.

Google Business Profile.

Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) is a free listing that appears on Google when someone searches for your hospital or centers in your health system. It includes your business name, address, phone number, hours of operation, website, and reviews from patients.

Having—and routinely updating—a Google Business Profile is essential to enhancing your visibility in search engine results. When someone searches for a hospital or related health services near you, making sure that your business appears frequently and prominently will draw in potential patients. With an active Google Business Profile, you can achieve this goal.

In addition to improving your visibility, a Google Business Profile can also help you build trust and credibility with potential patients. Your profile includes reviews from patients, which can give potential patients confidence in your services.

Finally, a Google Business Profile makes it easy for potential patients to find your contact information and website. They can simply click on your profile to get directions to your practice or to visit your website.

Creating and maintaining a strong hospital and health system marketing campaign is essential to the success of any hospital. The professionals at Dreamscape Marketing can help you create and execute a marketing campaign that will help you attract new patients, build trust and credibility, and grow your business. Call us today at 888.307.7304 to learn more about our services.

Get started with the dream team today.

Engaging Patients Is Critical for Your Hospital and Health System.

The hospital and health system industry is constantly changing. With more patients than ever searching for virtual services or specialty practices from trusted brands, ensuring your business is easily accessible on the web is vital for staying ahead of your competitors.

Traditionally, hospitals and health systems can seem out of reach for patients in need of care. They may see your business as a place they’ll only end up at after an ambulance ride. By keeping your online presence accurate, you can inform potential patients about accessible services they need regularly.

Marketing strategies for health systems should take into account the wider geographic area that they serve and the fact that they are often competing with other hospitals and health systems for patients. When running SEO or PPC campaigns, for example, health systems should target keywords that are specific to their location and services.

One of the most significant benefits of an established web presence is that widespread brand awareness and reputation can help attract new patients. Focusing on building trust and credibility with potential patients is essential for any hospital and health system marketing strategy.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Campaigns.

SEO is an effective yet time-consuming marketing strategy, and it can take months to see results. As you work your way up the rankings, you may be looking for a way to jumpstart your traffic. This is where pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns come in.

Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are a great way to increase your website’s visibility and attract more potential customers. By paying for ads which show at the top of search engine results pages, you can drive leads and maintain your budget since only those who click on them will generate costs.

PPC campaigns can be very effective for services offered by hospitals and health systems, especially if you focus on targeting local keywords. When combined with SEO, PPC can help you dominate SERPs and attract new patients to your business.

Hospital paid advertising delivers healthcare options to motivated prospective patient during online healthcare search.

Website Design.

Quality website design is a critical component of any successful hospital and health system marketing campaign. Investing in quality web design will not only generate new patients, but it will also create trust among your current patient base and solidify your reputation as an industry leader, ultimately leading to higher profits for your organization. Here are four reasons why top-notch website design should be part of your hospital’s strategy: 

Best-in-class hospital digital marketing services, including hospital website design, delivered by industry experts.

First impressions matter.

Your website is often the first point of contact between you and potential patients. Make sure your site makes a good impression by investing in quality design.

A well-designed website will help you build trust and credibility.

Patients are more likely to trust a hospital or health system with a professional-looking website that reflects the mission and values of your practice. You’ve worked hard to make your health system a welcoming and peaceful presence. You want your site design to reflect that same care. 

A quality website will help you attract new patients.

A well-designed site will be easy to find online and will help you stand out from the competition.

A quality website will boost your bottom line.

A well-designed site will generate more leads and convert more patients into paying customers.

Investing in quality hospital and health system website design is a smart investment that will pay off in the long run, and the design experts at Dreamscape Marketing are here to help you get started.

Mobile Responsiveness.

With over 60% of internet traffic now coming from mobile devices, it’s more important than ever to make sure your website is designed for smaller screens. Mobile responsive design ensures that your website will resize and reformat itself automatically to provide an optimal experience for users on any device, whether they’re viewing your site on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer. 

There are a few things you should keep in mind when making sure your hospital and health system website is mobile-responsive:

Make sure your site loads quickly.

 Users are impatient and will likely move on to another site if yours takes too long to load, especially on a mobile device.

Keep your design simple.

A complex website design can be difficult to navigate on a smaller screen. Stick to the essentials and make sure your content is easy to find and access.

Use large, easy-to-read fonts.

Small text can be difficult to read on a mobile device, so make sure your content is easy to consume by using large, legible fonts.

Avoid pop-ups.

Pop-ups are annoying at the best of times, but they’re especially frustrating on a mobile device where they can be difficult to close. If you must use them, make sure they’re easily dismissible.

Make sure your forms are mobile-friendly.

Forms that are too long or complex can be difficult to fill out on a smaller screen. Keep your forms short and simple, and make sure they’re easy to submit.

A well-crafted site will not only build trust with potential patients but also attract new customers and eventually improve your revenue streams. Dreamscape Marketing specializes in crafting websites for hospitals that accurately depict your organization’s mission statement while providing users with an enjoyable experience. Don’t wait any longer—give us a call 888.307.7304 so we can get started on helping you create the perfect website. 

Social Media.

Part of building a strong online presence is having a robust social media strategy. Social media is a powerful marketing tool because it allows you to connect with potential and current patients on a personal level.


Hospitals and health systems are special because your team has the chance to build relationships with clients while they’re in some of their most challenging moments. As you witness patients regaining autonomy, changing their lives for the better, and starting families, social media provides a platform to showcase news about your business, give advice on healthy living habits, and answer any questions customers may have.

In addition, social media is a great way to build trust and credibility with potential patients. A few of the types of content you can share include blog posts, articles, and infographics. Showing that you’re an authority in your field will help you attract new patients to your practice.

Dreamscape can help you set up and maintain profiles on platforms like:

Your website should also be linked to your social media accounts so that potential patients can easily find you online.


One easily overlooked aspect of hospital and health system marketing is retargeting. Retargeting is a form of online advertising that allows you to show ads to people who have visited your website but didn’t convert into becoming a patient.

Leads who visit your website but don’t make an appointment are still interested in your services, and retargeting allows you to stay top-of-mind with these potential patients.

Retargeting is an effective marketing strategy because it allows you to reach leads who are already interested in your services. When they’re ready to make an appointment, you’re the first practice they’ll think of.

Media Production.

Digital marketing should always be at the heart of your health system’s strategy; however, print media remains an invaluable tool for acquiring new patients and raising brand awareness. If you’re looking to leverage the power of physical advertisements for your hospital or health system, here are some useful tips: 

While some of these mediums may be more effective than others for your substance abuse treatment center marketing campaign, the important thing is to have a variety of options available so you can reach as many people as possible. 

Use Print Advertising to Target Specific Demographics

Target your campaigns even more precisely with print advertising. For instance, if you want to draw in parents and families to your hospital or health system, consider placing ads within popular parenting publications and school newsletters. Doing so will give your marketing campaign a greater reach and help it achieve its desired goal.

Incorporate Print Media into Your Direct Mail Campaigns

Want to draw in new patients for your health system? Direct mail is an excellent and effective way to do so. Try including print ads, postcards, or hospital promotional items as part of your campaigns. Not only will this help amp up the response rate, but it’ll also put your practice name on everybody’s radar. 

Use Print Media to Support Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Supplement your digital marketing efforts with the power of print media. You can easily include a QR code on your printed materials that directs customers to your website or blog. Or, guide readers right to your social media channels where you can engage and build relationships with them.

From sales sheets and whitepapers to business cards, trifold brochures, and flyers, Dreamscape Marketing can help you create high-quality print materials that support your hospital and health system marketing campaign. 

Email Marketing.

Email marketing is another effective way to stay in touch with potential and current patients. You can use email to share news like announcements and specials. You can also use it to send appointment reminders and post-appointment follow-ups.

Email is a great way to nurture leads and keep them engaged with your practice. When used correctly, it can help you build relationships with patients and turn them into long-term customers. It’s also a cost-effective way to reach a large number of people with your message.

Go further with Dreamscape Marketing.

Hosting and Tracking.

While aspects of your marketing strategy like website design and social media are important in establishing your hospital and health system’s online presence, they’re not the only factors that come into play. To ensure that your marketing efforts are effective, you need to track your progress, analyze your results, and host your site on a reliable platform.

Dreamscape Marketing's hospital digital marketing services deliver peace of mind with secure health system website hosting.


To make sure your website is accessible to internet users at all times, you must host it on a reliable server. A top-notch hosting service will guarantee that your site is always working and can handle heavy traffic with ease. With an excellent hosting provider, you’ll no longer have to worry about any issues related to your website’s performance.

At Dreamscape, we rely on two dedicated servers to host our client’s websites. This ensures that there is always enough server space and bandwidth to accommodate high traffic levels. 


In order to track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, it’s important to have a way to track phone calls from your website. Call tracking allows you to see which marketing efforts are driving phone calls to your health system’s practices.

By deploying call tracking solutions, you can allocate individual phone numbers for every marketing campaign. Then when someone calls that specific number, the source of the call will be documented and routed to your business. Utilizing this approach allows you to identify which campaigns are most productive in generating telephone inquiries and make changes as needed.


Analytics is essential for understanding how your marketing campaigns are performing. It allows you to see how potential patients are finding your website and what they’re doing once they get there.

As you monitor your analytics, you’ll be able to see which marketing efforts are working and which ones need to be tweaked. A few things you can keep in mind include:

Checking on your website traffic.

How many people are visiting your site? Where are they coming from?

Analyzing your website's conversion rate.

How many visitors are taking the desired action (filling out a form, calling your practice, etc.)?

Monitoring your website's bounce rate.

How many people are leaving your site after viewing only one page? A high bounce rate could indicate that your website is not relevant to your visitors’ needs.

Looking into your organic traffic.

How many people are finding your website through a search engine?

All of this information will help you fine-tune your marketing campaigns and make sure they are as effective as possible.


Dreamscape Marketing: The Hospital and Health System Marketing Professionals.

At Dreamscape, we understand the significance of your hospital’s online presence. It serves as the first impression for many potential patients—it must be professional, informative, and simple to navigate through. We are devoted to tailoring our services specifically to meet your health system’s unique needs; whether you’re searching for new patients or attempting to increase online visibility and patient retention, we have it covered.

We believe that hospital and health system marketing should be affordable, effective, and easy to understand. That’s why we offer a variety of services that are designed to meet your needs and budget.

If you’re ready to take your health system to the next level, contact Dreamscape Marketing at 888.307.7304 today. We’ll work with you to create a custom marketing plan that will help you achieve your goals.