Long-Tail Keywords And How To Use Them Properly

Addiction treatment centers generally understand the importance of keywords to their SEO strategy. Every SEO targets certain keywords in an effort to boost Google ranking. However, long-tail keywords benefits are often not exploited enough.

SEOs have long used long-tail keywords because they do the job well. Why? Because focus keywords like these help pinpoint the more qualified leads you may be looking for to increase admission rates.

Short Tail Vs. Long Tail Keywords: What’s the Difference?

Short-tail keywords are one or two words generally. Conversely, long-tail keywords are generally three to six words long. As a result, they are far more specific, and generally focused on a very certain niche.

This becomes very important when you are hunting for qualified leads rather than just anyone landing on your website.

So, why are long-tail keywords preferable? Here are three reasons why:

Fewer websites are competing for them

With short-tail keywords, the competition to use them is intense. It’s a different story with long-tail keywords. Fewer people are chasing them because they apply to fewer people. That’s not a bad thing. In fact, a majority of searches are actually for long-tail keywords. For example, that’s why long-tail keywords like “drug rehab center in South Florida” are better than simply “drug rehab.”

They convert better

Ideally, you want as many people as possible who visit your addiction treatment center website to be prospective patients. Short-tail keywords are very general, which means people who aren’t necessarily interested in you could land on your website. That’s kind of pointless. 

Long-tail keywords narrow the field to viewers who are far more likely to become patients. When considering long-tail keywords benefits, this is one of the biggest ones. 

Boosts your content visibility 

Why do you create content? Obviously, you want it to be seen by as many prospective patients as possible. However, there’s no guarantee that will happen if you don’t prudently deploy long-tail keywords.

These longer keywords are an opportunity to personalize content to fit your target audience’s gender, age, location, type of addiction, etc. With short-tail keywords, there’s less specific information. As a result, you are capturing viewers who frequently aren’t interested in you.

What Are Long-Tail Keywords Benefits?

They may help you to rank for short-tail keywords as well

Inside of every long-tail keyword there is frequently a short-tail keyword as well. Therefore, you can essentially be ranking for two different keywords with one effort. Clearly, going after both types of keywords at the same time is highly efficient. Of course, there’s no guarantee that you’ll rank for the short-tail keyword but it’s at least worth a try.

Long-tail keywords help propel your blog strategy

Finding topics to write about for blogs can be quite challenging. This is especially true if you’ve committed to doing four or five a month. Trying to come up with fresh addiction treatment topics can become difficult. However, long-tail keywords help.

Since long-tail keywords are more specific, they save you from writing an endless array of extremely generalized blogs that won’t do much to help you rank. With long-tail keywords, on the other hand, you can dive deep into a very specific topic.

Your content is more personalized

Long-tail keywords are generally between three and six words long. Since they are so specific, they pretty much dictate the direction of the content for a blog or landing page. 

They may contain descriptive words indicating geographical location, gender or some other crucial detail. As a result, your content will follow a very specific topic intended for a very specific audience. This is, of course, the opposite of the shotgun approach to marketing. Here, you’re narrowing the topic to reach a very targeted audience.

Where do these long-tail keywords come from?

Keyword research brings you a harvest of long-tail keyword possibilities. The best part is that you don’t have to look very hard to find them. Google Analytics and Google Search Console, for example, can help you determine which keyword categories are getting read and which aren’t. That, in turn, helps guide where you want to go with long-tail keywords in the future.

Long-Tail Keywords Benefits: A Path To Higher Rankings

The use of keywords, specifically long-tail keywords, is crucial to ranking your web pages higher on Google. Are you using them? Are you using them correctly? Long-tail keywords benefits must be at the top of your agenda. A digital marketing agency in Baltimore can help.

Dreamscape Marketing has the SEO knowledge and experience that can help you realize your digital marketing goals. Call us today at 888.307.7304 and let’s discuss how our Baltimore SEO agency can help you.