Excellent marketing efforts for drug rehab centers will generate phone calls to these facilities. It’s important to remember, however, that marketing initiatives can never close a customer. The leads that effective marketing generates are just that—leads. Whether they turn into admissions to your rehab center has much to do with what happens when people call.
Practice Good Call Center Phone Etiquette
It’s time to stop letting qualified leads slip through your fingers. Your call center can do things starting today to close more leads than ever before. In its experience with hundreds of drug rehab centers, Dreamscape Marketing has an intimate understanding of what drives prospective patients to say “yes” to treatment. Excellent customer service in the facility’s call center is definitely one of them.
Give Callers Your Undivided Attention
This is a standard directive for phone representatives but it certainly bears repeating. Don’t allow documenting the call to interfere with your ability to concentrate on what the caller is saying. When callers are talking, you could miss details by attempting to type as they speak. It is important that you hear every detail of what they are saying. You may even need to stop typing and just listen. In addition, don’t let co-workers interfere with your concentration. Eliminate side conversations with them while on the phone. Whatever others want to tell you can wait until the phone call has been completed.
Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by your personal cell phone either. Personal text messages or emails can be handled after you complete the current phone conversation. Always give the caller your complete attention. Remember that rehab patients avoid relapse by not giving in to familiar triggers and temptations—respect your caller by doing the same and practicing proper call center phone etiquette!
Many addiction treatment centers consistently struggle to increase their admissions due to deficiencies in their call center process. Download Dreamscape Marketing’s Whitepaper entitled “10 Things You Should Know Before Answering the Phones at a Drug Rehab Center“ and use these practical tips to help increase your drug rehab center’s conversion rates. Downloading this whitepaper could be one of the most important things you do for your facility’s bottom line this year.