4 Ways To Improve Your Website Rankings With An SEO Agency in Maryland

Your objective should always be to move your website to its highest possible Google ranking. How do you do that? With high-quality content that is relevant to your viewers. Consider the following advice from an SEO agency in Maryland to help you realize your digital marketing goals.

1. Create Original Content That People Will Want to Read

Content isn’t filler. You don’t upload content just because you have to (although you do have to). Instead, you need to think of each piece of content as a unique opportunity to address a particular concern of your target audience.

When you write about topics that are of interest to your target audience, you greatly increase the chances that they will find your content through a Google search. As more and more people rely on your website to provide content of interest, you increase your domain authority with each new landing page or blog.

Optimize Content

Creating high-quality content is certainly important for your website. However, to upload that content without making every effort to optimize it is self-defeating. What good is content if no one ever finds it in a Google search? For that to happen, content must be optimized.

Central to optimization is the use of keywords. These are decided based on careful and thorough keyword research. Then, these keywords need to be incorporated into content intelligently. You never want to resort to the old keyword stuffing techniques prevalent years ago. These methods no longer work. In fact, search engines will often penalize you for trying to use this black hat SEO tactic.

Although you’re writing to please both Google and readers, always focus on the readers. Trying to simply please an algorithm won’t help you create great content for viewers.

Pick the Right Keywords

Part of understanding what the right keywords should be is understanding how people search for topics. These days, it’s often in the form of a question. Here are some examples related to search inquiries regarding the topic of an SEO agency in Maryland:

  • What is on-page SEO?
  • What is off-page SEO?
  • What are SEO audits?
  • What’s the best way of measuring SEO progress?
  • Where can I find small business SEO services in Maryland?
  • Where can I find an East Coast SEO agency?

If your keywords line up with questions that people pose, you’re well on the way to achieving higher Google rankings. 

Incorporate More Than One Keyword Phrase

It makes a great deal of sense to pursue long-tail keywords, which are typically three to six words long. Unlike short-tail keywords, long-tail keywords are more specific and narrow the audience considerably. In fact, that’s just what you want.

That being said, it’s a good idea to incorporate short-tail keywords as part of your long-tail keyword phrase. For example, “heroin drug rehab in South Florida” contains the short-tail keyword phrase, “drug rehab.” Trying to rank for “drug rehab” would be literally impossible. However, having it within a larger keyword phrase is always smart.

2. Upload Content On a Regular Basis

Fresh new content on your website has to be frequently uploaded on your website. You can’t just build a website and then rarely contribute new content to it. Google doesn’t want to see that and neither do viewers.

Google doesn’t like websites that never upload new content. To them and readers alike, a website that doesn’t upload fresh content is less relevant than websites that do so routinely. If you seek an SEO agency in Maryland, be sure they are on the same page as you regarding quality content.

3. Complete All Metadata

It’s easy to neglect what seem to be tiny details when you’re trying to upload excellent content. Those tiny details include metadata. Search engines rely on this information to quickly understand what your content is all about. It’s a huge mistake to not complete this information on each web page and blog.

  • Meta Title: This is what shows when your website is displayed on a search engine results page. Are your titles too long to display properly? Do you even know?
  • Meta Description: This is a brief blurb about your page that gets displayed after the title. Many websites don’t even bother including one. That’s a mistake because this can provide incentive to click on your web page. Why waste the opportunity by not providing a description?

4. Websites With High Domain Authority Should Want to Link To You

The higher quality your website is, the more likely authoritative websites will want to link to you. When Google sees this, your credibility increases (and likely your ranking as well).

What makes your website high quality? It goes right back to the first point: excellent content. When you create useful, authoritative content, others will notice. Naturally, not just anyone should be linking to you. Your goal should always be to attract links from websites with high domain authority. 

An SEO Agency in Maryland Can Help Your Business

Without an effective SEO strategy in place, your business website will never achieve the kind of Google ranking you’re hoping for. That’s why it’s important to partner with an SEO agency in Maryland that understands what it takes to take your website to the next level.

Put Dreamscape Marketing’s SEO knowledge and experience to work for you. Call us today at 888.307.7304 and let’s discuss your current digital marketing strategy.