To Succeed At The Internet All I Need To Do Is Blog And Use Social Media. I Can Do That Myself, Better And Cheaper Than Anyone.
There is no doubt that in the digital world we live in, content is crucial. However, just as stated in Myth #2, what appears simple is not always easy.
First, let’s address frequency. How many times have you found yourself on a website that was updated infrequently or sporadically? If you have, you probably found it through directly typing in their name in Google or you knew the specific URL. All search engines give greater credence to websites that post frequent and relevant content, typically at least 1–5 times per week. This content can be in virtually any form including blogs, pictures, videos, new website pages, infographics, presentations, eBooks, white papers or any other form of content you can think of. Most likely, you did not go to school for English, communications or journalism so you may not be comfortable writing or creating content in various mediums, regardless of your expertise. In addition, you and your staff are busy running your business.
It would not be uncommon for a health care or other professional to take 2–8 hours of research, analysis, writing and revisions to produce an initial 500-word blog post. The more you do it, the faster you get. Then, you need to add a picture, post it to your content management system and tag it with the appropriate keywords so it will be found. To get the full benefit of the piece, you need to share it on various social media platforms. Since most people consume content in various forms, Google also rewards those who create and share various forms of content, such as pictures and videos, so you should take the same content and re-purpose it in different forms to share on different platforms (think Pinterest and YouTube). If you do not have a degree if graphic arts, this may also be a challenge as well.
In addition to frequency, the consumers of digital content are constantly bombarded with a variety of on-line content that is vying for their attention. How many times have you started looking for something on the internet and ended up distracted and looking at something completely different than what you initially intended?
With that said, digital content must adhere to the these guidelines:
Passes an automated plagiarism checker so Google knows it is authentic.
Even though you created it yourself, many times the use of common terms and phrases may make a piece of content appear like a duplicate. Google penalizes duplicate content severely and therefore this must be addressed proactively.
Has a purchased image or an image found on the internet that is clearly marked
as labeled for reuse under creative commons.
The risk of not following this rule could lead to a lawsuit or other enforcement action.
Is easily readable to your audience.
What that means is it should have a Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease score above 50 and have a reading level below a 10th grade level,
preferably at or around the 8th grade level. For educated people, writing to a lower level can be frustrating and extremely difficult to do. To help put this in perspective, the average adult in the US reads at the 9th-grade level.
Meets a minimum and maximum word count with relevant content.
The body copy has to be useful, relevant, interesting topical and eye catching to readers so they will actually look at it and click-through to other content on your site. See how simple is not always the same as easy? Anyone can blog and create content, but few can do so with the right frequency and in a way that will get your website well-ranked by the search engines. That’s the key to driving traffic to your website and converting web surfers into paying customers.[ult_buttons btn_title=”Access the full ebook, ”Top 13 Myths in Addiction Treatment” here” btn_link=”url:%2Fresources%2Ftop-13-internet-marketing-myths-in-addiction-treatment%2F|||” btn_align=”ubtn-center” btn_size=”ubtn-large” btn_title_color=”#002b55″ btn_bg_color=”#f2f5f7″ btn_bg_color_hover=”#b7d23f” btn_title_color_hover=”#f2f5f7″ icon_size=”32″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-left” btn_border_style=”solid” btn_color_border=”#f2f5f7″ btn_color_border_hover=”#b7d23f” btn_border_size=”1″ btn_radius=”0″ btn_font_family=”font_family:Zilla Slab|font_call:Zilla+Slab|variant:italic” btn_font_style=”font-style:italic;” btn_font_size=”desktop:20px;” el_class=”button_drop-shadow”]