10 Reasons Why SEO is Like an Addiction Treatment Program – Reason #8: Measuring Progress Matters
Clients at a drug rehab facility don’t get better without frames of reference. Measuring progress matters for both the success of the clients and the success of the facility. As professionals, you judge a client’s recovery based on empirical information, such as doctors’ and therapists’ reports that measure progress based on clearly defined criteria. It’s human to want to know if something you’re doing works, so it’s important for facilities to remind their clients of their progress.
A Reference for Success
Similarly, measuring progress based on facts and empirical data is an important part of SEO. If you wouldn’t judge a client on hunches and knee-jerk reactions, you can’t judge the success of an SEO campaign that way either.
Just because you can remember a certain day or a certain week when the phone didn’t ring doesn’t mean this can be used as a reliable indicator that the efforts aren’t working. Metrics tell you everything you need to know, such as if results are rising, leveling off, or falling. Dreamscape Marketing has witnessed some facilities ready to go in a different direction before giving the SEO campaign a chance to really take root.
Time for Reinvention
In addition to giving you a stronger idea of how successful your campaign is, tracking progress will also show you when your campaign is beginning to lose steam and is showing its first signs of decline. By catching it early, you’ll be able to reinvent your plan and adopt a new campaign that prevents further decline. If you rely on guesswork, the decline may not be noticed until it is well underway.
Knowing what works and what doesn’t work is as much a part of SEO as it is part of substance addiction therapy. If a client isn’t responding to a certain type of therapy or treatment, you’d want to know right away and move them onto something better. Similar with SEO, you don’t want to keep moving with a campaign that’s not working.
Leave the guesswork out of it. You’ll understand your situation better and feel more comfortable if you rely on facts and numbers. Measuring progress, whether in addiction treatment or running an SEO campaign, is of vital importance to success.[ult_buttons btn_title=”Access the Full Whitepaper” btn_link=”url:%2Fresources%2F10-reasons-seo-like-addiction-treatment-program%2F|||” btn_align=”ubtn-center” btn_size=”ubtn-large” btn_title_color=”#002b55″ btn_bg_color=”#f2f5f7″ btn_bg_color_hover=”#b7d23f” btn_title_color_hover=”#f2f5f7″ icon_size=”32″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-left” btn_border_style=”solid” btn_color_border=”#f2f5f7″ btn_color_border_hover=”#b7d23f” btn_border_size=”1″ btn_radius=”0″ btn_font_family=”font_family:Zilla Slab|font_call:Zilla+Slab|variant:italic” btn_font_style=”font-style:italic;” btn_font_size=”desktop:20px;” el_class=”button_drop-shadow”]